Thursday, November 8, 2012

Webquest Top 10

Are very useful for classroom teachers and also teachers who don't have a set classroom.

1. Webquests are great whenever you have a substitute teacher so students don't fall behind in the curriculum
2. Students can collaborate in groups so that students could get more out of the Webquests
3. They can be customized to any subject and grade level for all students.
4. They are an excellent way of giving students assignments when they are going to be out of school or going to be gone for some other reason.
5. Using a webquest you can find multiple ways to communicate with the students and teach across the learning styles of many students.
6. They can be used to show students the information they are learning about is information that they will use later on in life.
7. Many possibilities of different ways to teach the same subject.  There are many content areas within a certain topic and you can always mix it up whenever you are creating a webquest.
8. By doing a webquest you are enjoying your job and showing your students and your principals and parents that you really do care about the students educational experience.
9. Some students may cling to the idea of a webquest because you get to use the internet and that means that it is cooler to learn and will make them want to learn the information.
10. Webquests are also very easy to grade. You create questions for the students to answer and you have a rubric or answer sheet for the questions and you base the grade off of that.

Video Top 10

1. Learn as much as you can from others.
2. Always take the time to learn something new because it is always changing.
3. Don't underestimate the power of
4. Be creative!
5. Try something new
6. Change angles and positions whenever you can when shooting the videos
7. Make sure that you can hear the sound in the video
8. Don't be afraid to add music and graphics!
9. Use the help menu when you have a question
10. Enjoy the process!

Application Top 10

What teachers can do to select the best educational applications for the classroom.

1. Look at the free educational applications first.  These sometimes are the best ones and they are FREE!!!
2. Look for the subject matter that you will be teaching under.
3. Use many applications.
4. Most applications have multiple uses so use all of them to mix up your teaching.
5. Use colleagues to see if they have any applications that work for them and maybe they will work for you.
6. Check applications frequently because there are new ones all the time. 
7. Look at professional websites to see if there are any applications that they are suggesting.
8. Make an effort on finding your applications and your students will give feedback on them and also will learn from them.
9. Use applications whenever it is suitable in the classroom.
10.  Have fun with the applications, get a few game ones where the students can have some unwinding time to just enjoy the educational experience.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Nutrition PowerPoint Presentation

<iframe src="" width="615px" height="470px" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:none;" allowfullscreen>

Monday, October 1, 2012

Top 10 Uses For PowerPoint


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Top 10 Tips for Using Prezi!!!

Top 10 tips for teachers using prezi

1. Changing the color of the text

2. Start with the frame and background and work out the minor details of it all

3. Deciding key points of what you will cover in the prezi

4. Choosing images with what will help with the topic

5. Watch instructional videos to know how to use it

6. Don’t be afraid to use templates that are already there

7. Use black colored background for BRIGHT COLORS

8. Have fun with the program!

9. Re-sizing your font so that it all fits inside of the frames

10. Play around with the background options and the path options as well

CPR Preziiiii