Mind Step Inc.

Reference Guide
Differentiation and the Four Types of Students

Planning Sheet
Differentiated Unit Planning Template
Knowledge/ Skill
Direct Instruction
Guided Practice
Independent Practice
Acceleration and Remediation

English Differentiated Unit Plan
Differentiated English Unit Plan

The reference guide is a helpful tool because it lets you know that you have many different students and you have to teach to each one. Content, product, environment and process.

The planning sheet lets you know what you need to do to get points across to all of your students.  Making sure that each student has a positive learning experience and making sure that they are actively participating in class, if they are not then this planning sheet will let the teacher have a back-up plan.

The differentiated unit plan is an extension of the planning sheet.  Its a place for the teacher to have content that he/she needs to change the unit at any given time.

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