Thursday, November 8, 2012

Application Top 10

What teachers can do to select the best educational applications for the classroom.

1. Look at the free educational applications first.  These sometimes are the best ones and they are FREE!!!
2. Look for the subject matter that you will be teaching under.
3. Use many applications.
4. Most applications have multiple uses so use all of them to mix up your teaching.
5. Use colleagues to see if they have any applications that work for them and maybe they will work for you.
6. Check applications frequently because there are new ones all the time. 
7. Look at professional websites to see if there are any applications that they are suggesting.
8. Make an effort on finding your applications and your students will give feedback on them and also will learn from them.
9. Use applications whenever it is suitable in the classroom.
10.  Have fun with the applications, get a few game ones where the students can have some unwinding time to just enjoy the educational experience.

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