
The Unanticipated Joys of Teaching

"Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans."  We all need to make plans to have order in the classroom, but we all also need road maps, consistency and accountability.  Taking a chance every year to look back at the year and seeing what has happened and what goals have been met and what goals still need some work is important.  Letting the students have some freedom in the classroom to be able to astonish you and making you proud is all you can ask for as a teacher.

Networking: How to Get Help for You and Your Students

Networking is one of the most important things all teachers can do to save themselves from slowly and painfully reinventing the wheel.  One of the main goals we should all have this year and every year that we are inside a school is working on building a network of support for each other.  Whether its personal support or professional support.  Being able to have someone to talk to after a rough day and also having someone at work that you can count on to be there for you as well.
  Don't be afraid to ask questions! 

Try some of the following networking strategies:

  1. Plan regular phone or e-mail contact with classmates from your graduating class.
  2. Contact professors you admired.
  3. Take advantage of problem-solving opportunities that already exist in your school.
  4. Plan informal breakfast or lunch meetings with colleagues.
  5. Ask for time to observe master teachers in your building or school division.
  6. Take advantage of an assigned mentor teacher.

Co-teaching definition is collaboration, teaming, team teaching, and inclusion.  There are many times to use co-teaching and there are also times to not use co-teaching. To be able to read this article and distinguish both was very eye opening.  Being able to distinguish the two is a very daunting task, but each teacher should take the time to look over this article and see when it is and not appropriate to use co-teaching.

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